BlogKTAS Kings

KTAS Kings: Joey Luiten from Chino, California!

Published on

16 November 2023

Dive into our interview with Joey Luiten from Chino, California! Discover his journey from watching Kei Truck YouTube clips to owning a Mitsubishi mini truck, complete with exciting modifications and plans for his mini overland rig.🌟🚚 #KeiTrucks #JoeyLuiten #MiniOverland

Kei truck in the sand

How did you first encounter the Kei truck greatness?

I was watching a YouTube channel called litebrite and they bought one. It looked so rad.

Tell us your Kei truck story, how did you acquire your badass ride?

So, I looked into OfferUp app and other market place apps. I found one under what was said to be a Honda mini truck.

Joey Kei Truck dune bashing

Any mods or plans? Share the details!

Yes! As you can see, my mini truck has plans to turn into a full tilt mini overland rig! I plan to have full solar on top, some sort of water storage including stove and electric outlets. Hopefully have it fully done sometime soon but you know how projects go.

What do you mainly use your Kei Truck for?

I honestly “drive the truck“ every day to work about back. About a 10 min drive.

Camper van Kei Truck

Have any wild Kei Truck tales or fun facts about your ride?

I installed a Harley Davidson cv carburetor on the truck and it runs perfect with a little jetting work. And a funny story when I got it, the rear wheel was locked up so me and 2 other guys lifted the rear of the truck to push it onto my trailer.

Favorite thing about owning a Kei truck?

My favorite thing about owning this little Kei truck are the looks and conversations I get when driving around. Either people have never seen one before and wonder what it is, or they want one and need to know how to import one.

Where can we follow you for your Kei truck action? Tell us your socials!

As far as socials go, I only have posted most things on instagram, I have started a YouTube channel but it’s not up and running fully with videos of the truck just yet. But soon! You can follow me on Instagram. @joeyluiten & @_mitsykeioverlan_

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