Our first featured Kei Firetruck is every little kid’s dream! Meet Yama the Firetruck, from Baltimore, USA.

How did you first encounter the Kei truck greatness?
I’ve been a fan of kei cars and trucks for years. I went on a school trip to Japan when I was about 12 and I couldn’t believe the variety of all these crazy little vehicles driving around.
Tell us your Kei truck story, how did you acquire your badass ride?
I was casually looking for an Autozam AZ-1 (I know, blasphemy, not a kei truck), when I came across my 1993 Daihatsu Hijet firetruck. I think it was already on its way over to an importer nearby at the time. It appeared to be impeccably maintained and I just couldn’t let it go. I asked my wife what she thought and she jokingly said buy it. Done. I bought it sight unseen. She didn’t think I was serious until the transport truck showed up.
It only had 5000 kms on it, no rust anywhere, and it came with rad silver 1990s fire coats with corduroy collars!
I began the process of piecing together fire equipment where it was missing. The Tohatsu pump, which can throw 500 gallons of water per minute, the foldable ladder with roof hooks that fits just right, odds and ends. I replaced the siren and PA control box with a matching model from Japan and got that working.

Any mods or plans? Share the details!
I’ll add to the fire equipment as I come across pieces. At some point I’ll replace the springs with something a little heavier duty, but otherwise I plan to keep it as stock as possible!
What do you mainly use your Kei Truck for?
It’s not my daily, but I drive it a lot. Nearly every weekend and to run short errands around the city during the week. There’s no vehicle more fun.

Have any wild Kei Truck tales or fun facts about your ride?
Shortly after the truck arrived, one of my kids suggested I start an instagram account for it. I thought it would be fun to anthropomorphize the truck by giving it its own personality and voice. It’s Yama the Firetruck’s social media presence, not mine.
The reaction has been so positive. Firefighters reach out for fire station visits. I’ve brought the truck to wedding photo shoots, birthday parties, anime conventions, community fairs and parades. I try not to say no.
Recently I decided to use some of this positive response to raise money for firefighter and EMT related charities.
Favorite thing about owning a Kei truck?
The community has been amazing. The opportunity to interact with so many overlapping groups who have had a positive reaction to the truck has been a ton of fun. Car people, JDM and kei enthusiasts (little plug for Hunt Valley Horsepower and the Capital Kei Car Club), fans of Japanese culture, firefighters around the world and everyday people in the local area. Kei trucks bring such delight to people.

Where can we follow you for your Kei truck action? Tell us your socials!
@notgiganticfiretruck on Instagram and TikTok @giganticnot on Twitter