Meet Kevin from Buckley, Washington. He runs a “Oh Kei Garage” and owns 5 Kei’s!

How did you first encounter the Kei truck greatness?
I went to college in San Diego at SDSU around 2013. They had a Daihatsu Kei van they drove around the campus. I wanted it so bad. Couldn’t ever justify buying a Kei in San Diego due to crazy traffic and smog laws. Moved to Washington and now I have a family of Kei’s lol. 5 in total, and I love every single one of them. I even started a compendium selling parts and making YouTubes of working on them!
Tell us your Kei truck story, how did you acquire your badass ride?
My first kei truck was a Subaru Sambar I found on marketplace. It was a little beat up, but once I got it, I tore it apart, cleaned it up, replaced parts and wrapped it. She was my first love. Any mods or plans? Share the details!
I installed a custom exhaust and bigger wheels. In the future I want to install a bigger engine and a new paint job – in the same special green of course!

Any mods or plans? Share the details!
Right now, I’m just lowering them and building custom exhausts but running a parts store takes up a lot of my time, so hopefully some more mods to come soon!
What do you mainly use your Kei Truck for?
Trips to the post office to drop off orders and taking to car shows lol.
Have any wild Kei Truck tales or fun facts about your ride?
Every kei has a unique and meaningful story. About the find, import or restore. Equally love them all the same and can’t wait to find my next one!
Favorite thing about owning a Kei truck?
Getting more looks and stares than the dude in the Ferrari
Where can we follow you for your Kei truck action? Tell us your socials!
@ohkeigarage on Instagram, to too and YouTube